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Most are unaware that Pakistan is the 5th largest country in the world in terms of livestock (both dairy and meat). Until now this incredible resource remains untapped due to a lack of traceability for registering and recording animal data within international guidelines. As a result, Pakistan had remained unable to achieve certified dairy and meat product export to the world, until now.

Our service provides an approved and recognized animal identification system to meet this growing demand for Pakistan to enter the international stage. This need is further highlighted when placed in context of Pakistan’s efforts in the public sector support to achieve trade targets. Our animal identification system, on a national level, provides a robust infrastructure for Pakistan to commence certification which will allow it to export in accordance with international food and safety standards. The CABROP® system, provides a traceability system which creates a strong relationship between an animal’s origin and an animal’s consumption while fulfilling the essentials prerequisites for export.


CABROP® stands for Cattle and Buffalo Register of Pakistan and is the traceability system of choice for Pakistan’s large and small farmers, dairy processors, and slaughterhouses in both public and private sectors. CABROP® aims to implement its unique identification system within the national herd to help register and record the massive undocumented and unregulated dairy and meat industry in Pakistan. With recognized and ICAR approved brands of animal Tags, together with a certified and world-renowned team of experts and the CABROP® Traceability system. CABROP® is set to become the cornerstone standard in providing government bodies, large organizations, and large and small independent farmers with access to a homogenized dairy and meat tracking and statistics system.

CABROP®’s scalable system can adapt and work effectively in small divergent herd populations, as owned and operated by small local farmers, while also scaling to accommodate large operations without any performance loss to singular multi-faceted herds. All while providing and maintaining management to farming of scale. CABROP® utilizes only the latest technologies with complex algorithms for database efficiency patented and unique to our service within Pakistan alone, this technological adaptability not only allows the use of simple barcode and QR coded tags but also allows RFID based tagging.


Our system utilizes its codes to create a unique number ensuring NO two animals nationally under any form of ownership have the same identification code. Similar to a personal identity card the CABROP® system allows each animal to have a unique identity thereby increasing its value and reliability which can never be duplicated or imitated. The unique number on the tag used to identify each animal shows its province, district, tehsil, union council, village, owner of the animal or herd. Once an animal is tagged with a unique numbered tag, the animal has an identity. The CABROP® System is a “FARM TO FORK” Animal Traceability System which includes, Animal Identification, Registration, Recording, Health, Transboundary Movement.

Under CABROP® different aspects of animal husbandry such as vaccination, animal performance, breed characteristics, genetic potential and progeny testing date in support of PVS (Performance Veterinary Services) by OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) can all be managed in one system! Furthermore CABROP®‘s system keeps records of each and every movement from one property to any other property anywhere in the country. All of these advantages combined ensure public health alongside effective surveillance and control of zoonotic diseases, food safety, and support as desired under international obligation.


Tags are the most visually identifiable feature of the CABROP® traceability system. Our tags can be attached as neck tags, tail tags, and ear tags. Our tagging technology has made significant progress over the many years and a generation of temper-resistant and easily readable tags has evolved that can remain in place for the life of an animal. Unlike commonly available tags on the market the CABROP® system utilizes its tags in an entirely unique way to provide the ability to identify and monitor livestock unlike anything else available in Pakistan. Ear tagging is currently the most widespread out of CABROP®’s tagging systems and provides an affordable, durable, clearly and easily readable tagging system for its traceability service.


ATS, (Animal Traceability System) is an EU and Pakistan based company, which owns (CABROP Database System) and specialized to manage and maintain the database. The company possesses vast experience in database management. ATS also has some of the most experienced IT engineers who maintain and manage the CABROP® Database 24/7.


Dr Jason Aldiss is responsible for overseeing and providing the veterinary scrutiny and assurance for all certification purposes and is chairman of the CABROP Board.

Jason is a veterinary surgeon by profession and created what was, in its time, the largest private veterinary service provider for the provision of Official Controls on behalf of Governments across the EU. He developed the international quality systems by which this company ran, created the delivery mechanisms and employed a staff base of some 750 professionals delivering Official Controls and certification services throughout the UK. Jason is well recognised internationally as being expert in the delivery of Official Controls, veterinary public health, animal health and animal welfare. As President of the Union of European Veterinary Hygienists he represents some 27000 specialist vets operating throughout Europe. He is a leading expert in his field and provides consultancy to wide-range of businesses across the agri-food sector and has a specialist knowledge in the application of modern technology for the purposes of delivering food safety and consumer protective control systems. Jason has an extensive professional network which spans the entire globe from regulators, Government officials and veterinarians to leaders in the agri-food industry and is extremely well connected in a number of countries.











